
Movement Advancement Project: LGBTQ Preemption Maps

Our friends and partners at Equality Florida shared a brand-new report from the Movement Advancement Project which highlights preemption’s threat to LGBT equality and workers, wages, and immigrants. Find that report and its downloadable maps here.



Partnership for Working Families: Mapping State Interference

Partnership for Working Families created an interactive map that highlights which state preempt local governments on issues including minimum wage, affordable housing, immigrants’ rights, and employee benefits, and also shows which state statutes are affected. Find it here and try it out!



How Can I Fight Preemption?

This one-pager lets you know how you can fight back against preemption laws when they’re filed in your state.  Pass this along to friends and family when your community is faced with preemption and send the message that you are in the fight to #DefendLocal.


Model Documentary Screening Run of Show

Documentaries are a great way to begin conversations around issues that are important to local governments, and can be used to highlight the importance of being able to pass local solutions to local problems. This run of show is for the Newtown documentary, but should give a good sense of how to organize an effective screening.